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Blenkinsop Blabbermouth and the Ghost of Broderick McCaffery

Blenkinsop Blabbermouth and the Ghost of Broderick McCaffery Available on Amazon :- :- Walker Pattison is pulling readers back into his fictional world of mystery and intrigue with his next children's fiction instalment Blenkinsop Blabbermouth and the Ghost of Broderick McCaffery! A pirate adventure like no other!Daniel and his best friend Papa, cross a raging river on the back of a crocodile and ride on the back of a giant condor before saving Ernest, the rarest of rare custard elephants.On their way through the 'Enchanted Forest,' Papa tells Daniel about Captain Broderick McCaffery and his evil cut-throat crew - but, the scariest of them all is 'Crazy Maisie' an incredibly large and feisty woman, her beady eyes peered out through a wild tangle of matted hair like those of a wolf about to make a kill. The crew claimed that she was at least one hundred and fifty years old; the skull tattooed on her right cheek was proof that she was indeed possessed by evil.Then, a single bolt of lightning, like a million volts of electricity screaming in anger - a voice boomed out from the 'Cave of Eternal Screams.'But, to protect his treasure, McCaffery had the help of 'Sidero' a sly slithering snake with fiery red eyes filled with torment, a forked tongue that flicked in and out and two bloodthirsty, razor-sharp fangs. Daniel must now fight the evil snake!Blenkinsop Blabbermouth and the Ghost of Broderick McCaffery is no ordinary pirate story, it is littered with intrigue, mystery and of course evil magic.#childrensbook #ghoststory #mystery #adventure #kidlit #bookrecommendations #middlegradebooks #youngreaders #spookytales #detective #funreads #fiction #bookbuzz #humor #bookstagram #amazon #kindle

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royal mikealson twins

liv and jess familyLucifer morringstar(dad)Rebekah royal(mom)Hayley morringstar(mom)Draco malfoy(cousin)Jess royal morringstar(twin sister)Lucius Malfoy (uncle)Narcissa Malfoy (aunt)Andromeda Tonks (aunt)Bellatrix Lestrange (aunt)Sirius Black (cousin)Regulus Black (cousin)Delphini malfoy(cousin)Arthur Weasley grandfather)Molly Weasley (grandmother)Bill Weasley (nephew)Charlie Weasley (nephew)Percy Weasley (nephew)Fred and George Weasley (nephews)Ginny Weasley (niece)James Potter (uncle)Lily J. Potter née Evans (aunt)Hermione Granger(cousin)Tom Riddle sr (deceased) (Father in law)Merope Riddle née Gaunt (deceased)(mother in law)Thomas Riddle ( grandfather in law; deceased) Mary Riddle (grandmother in law; deceased)Marvolo Gaunt (grandfather in law; deceased)Morfin Gaunt (uncle in law; deceasedTom riddle (husband)Tobias Snape (grandfather)Eileen Snape née Prince (grandmother)Severus Snape(godfather)Natasha romanoff grindwald(aunt)Luke grindwald(uncle)Cleopatra de nile(mom)Cleo de nile(sister)TitlesThe Potions MasterPotions professor of hogwartsArts Professor of HogwartsThe Heiress of SlytherinTigeressQueens of slytherineQueens of hufflepuffQueens of ravenclawQueens of GryffindorQueens of royalsQueens of morringstarLady riddleLady malfoyLady blackLady lestrangeLady weasleyLady potterLady grangerLady grindwaldLady snapeLady tonksGoddessesPrincesses of hogwartsDark witchesScarlet witchesElements witchesVampiress QueensQueens of underworldLuna Queens of werewolvesQueens of hellSexual desire Queens demons Ice Queens Mother nature Serpent QueensLady romanoffEgyptian QueensQueens of de nile

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The Dangerous Crimes Of Thomas Shelby

Thomas Michael Shelby:(Description): (Height: 5'7) (Age: 21-34) (Profession: Tunneler, Soldier, politician, Business man) (Spouse: Grace burgrees, 1924-1924, Hans schneidder,1918-1923) (Spouse 2: Lizzie stark, 1926-1933) (Offspring: Duke shelby, Charlie (Charles) Shelby, Ruby Shelby) (Status: Living) (Parents: Arthur Shelby, Martha Shelby.) (Siblings: Arthur Jr Shelby, John Michael Shelby, Ada Shelby, Finn Shelby).Henry Johnson:(Description):(Height: 5 '7) (Age: 12-18) (Profession: Peaky Blinder) (Spouse: unknown) (Offspring: Unknown) (Status: Living) (Parents: Unknown) (Siblings: Unknown).Hans Lloyd Schneider:(Description): (Height: 6'3) (Age: 18-20) (Profession: previously German soldier, now Peaky Blinder) (Spouse: no one) (Offspring: non) (Status: Living) (Parents: Juliet Schneider and James Schneider) (Siblings: Margaret Morris (Schneider)).Lizzie Stark (Shelby):(Description.):(Height: 5 '10) (Age: 21-28) (Profession: Business woman, Peaky Blinder) (Spouse: Thomas Michael Shelby, 1926-1933) (Offspring: Ruby Shelby, Jermey Mosley) (Status: Living) (Parents: Mr and Mrs Stark.) (Siblings: Jonathan Stark).Polly Shelby (Gray):(Description.): (Height: 5 '5) (Age: 34-45) (Profession: Business woman, Peaky Blinder) (Spouse: Aberama gold (Fiance, 1929-1929) (Offspring: Michael Gray, Anna Gray.)(Status: Living- Until 1929) (Parents: Mr and Mrs Shelby.) (Siblings: Arthur Sr Shelby).Anna Gray(Description.): (Height: 5 '7) (Age: 9-16) (Profession: Lawyer) (Spouse: Nelson Gray) (Offspring: None) (Status: Living- Until 1928) (Parents: Polly Shelby and Mr Gray) (Siblings: Michael Gray)

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Me and My Shadow: Memoirs of a Cancer Survivor

Me and My Shadow: Memoirs of a Cancer Survivor Author:- John Walker PattisonAvailable on Amazon :- and My Shadow - Memoirs of a Cancer Survivor is a brutally honest account of one teenager's struggle to understand and deal with the most feared diagnosis known to society: cancer. At 18 years of age, John Walker Pattison was thrust onto a roller coaster ride of emotional turbulence - his innocence cruelly stripped from him; his fate woven into the tapestry of life. After years of failed chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments that ravaged his physical frame and almost destroyed his psychological stability - his parents were told that he would not survive. Yet, today, he is one of the longest surviving cancer patients in the UK. Eight years after his unexpected recovery, the news that all parents fear, his daughter is diagnosed with terminal leukaemia. Yet like her father, she too would defy the odds and go on to become an international swimmer. Pattison turned his life full circle and became a cancer nurse specialist at the same hospital that made his diagnosis decades earlier. He prescribes chemotherapy and cares for individuals with the same cancers experienced by both him and his daughter. Throughout his journey, Pattison's inspirations were the space rock legends, Hawkwind. He would get to play on stage with his heroes at the Donnington Festival in 2007. More significantly, he found solace throughout his cancer journey in the history and spirituality of the Lakota Sioux Nation. In 2018, he would spend time on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation with the indigenous people of South Dakota. The same people who, unknowingly, supported him through life's greatest challenge: cancer.

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His Extraordinary Luna

In the depths of slumber, Alpha Emrys, ruler of the Blackthorn pack, was visited by a haunting dream. Amidst the veils of midnight, visions unfolded-a young maiden cloaked in an ethereal aura, wielding a power akin to his own. Her presence, a radiant reflection of his strength, stirred both awe and uncertainty within him.Night after night, the dream persisted, each vision more vivid than the last. Emrys, perplexed by these prophetic glimpses, sought guidance. He ventured into the Enchanted Woods, a realm veiled in magic, seeking the wisdom of the renowned witch, Calliope.In a clearing of sacred stones, under the shimmering moon, Emrys met with Calliope. With an air of ancient knowing, she unveiled the secrets veiled within the prophecy-the maiden's creation, a result of mystical experimentation intertwining her essence with Emrys's formidable power.As the witch spoke, Emrys found resonance between her words and his visions. The dream wasn't merely a fleeting thought; it was an echo of cosmic fate, a convergence of destinies foreseen in the celestial tapestry.Haunted by the revelation, Emrys grappled with the implications of this union. The connection between his dreams and the witch's prophecy left him both intrigued and wary. The idea of a female equal in strength, woven from experiments mirroring his power, ignited a sense of both curiosity and apprehension within him.Driven by an unyielding desire to understand the prophecy and the significance of the maiden's existence, Emrys delved deeper into the mysteries that surrounded their intertwined destinies. With each revelation, the bond between him and the young maiden, their powers entwined, became an inevitable and immutable reality, etched into the fabric of their fates.The connection between the dreams and the prophecy, as explained by Calliope, set Emrys on a path-a journey that would converge with the maiden, forging an extraordinary alliance shaped by the enigmatic forces of their shared powers.

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Unfinished Diary: The Story of Lucy Rosalinda

This book is a romance novel published on Amazon. It has been positively reviewed by some readers and can be bought via the link: Stephanie steps into the house of Lucy Rosalinda, a very pretty and charismatic novelist, Stephanie is given the rare chance to look into Lucy Rosalinda's diary which collects important moments of her life. Stephanie learns that the writer has to face a tough struggle with life due to her muteness since young age. From social rejection to magically beautiful moments, the diary records a roller coaster journey of Lucy Rosalinda that Stephanie will not stop reading to answer the one question: "Would the helplessly romantic story written in the diary conclude well?"

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The WRA Draft

"Here it is, folks. The lucky school." He opened it slowly. With a terrible grin, he read, "Marrisville Jr. Sr. High School located in Iowa." "No!" students screamed. They all jumped to their feet. Others broke down in tears. The reactions were listless. Taylor and Toby both were screaming. "He can't do that!" Toby yelled. "This is the stupidest thing!" "Why wasn't he impeached earlier?" Taylor demanded. I didn't move. I couldn't. I don't know what to do. What do I do? Things are a sprawled out everywhere for Olivia. Her percussion ensemble is representing Iowa in Nationals, which is great, but not all is peachy. Due to America's fantastic economy, the current President, Frank Shower, has created a new tradition in the United States. Each school is to participate in a raffle for the Challenge; a time where a class is given a challenge that they must complete better than the government. Any class that fails loses their education permanently. The class of 2027 has been chosen and their Challenge is quite peculiar: creating a Broadway production. Follow Olivia Mora as she deals with her Challenge, nationals, the Royals, the popular kids of her class, puberty(whether that be fashion taste or crushes), and her parents' recent divorce.

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Lumie's Book of Boredom #2


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Ghrequhne rqewheuh htruihu tuhuhguihruihtuih uthtuih uithuthuthtughuhuhgtu ghuthgutihithgut ghuigh tughuthguititg hthji hitjifjghtjijhf hr htr iuehuithihjujgtuihjhtrhjgiurt thuhtrh htrg htihtri nghtgth sr gf gfhgfjjg ubh guh ghihjf jgfkhjkvklfgjkfdjhkh fkjhjh kj ghh ghfghkjgjdkf jh kgkjhgkj gfkjk kghhghgfjhudrtjfnjdnvmnjhnuitnjgnnvkg hthjffgn gjgbbjnnbn gbnb b bgkjgbk jgb jgjhjgknjknfgjknh hdhg ghjghhhhhhhfkj hgjk gdhg hkjhhjg hfdhhhhjggggg hjkgfh jgfhjkgfijhdtjgfjk dthfguijnjgfnhjg nhjghdhfjhg jgk fdhg jgkhjgkhgkjh.gerw urth uirtgirtjgiktfjg tirhguvhcjgnv bh rb trhtrgnthu htrhehhgihithuei tuig ehtrh ht rhu ghtghurfihg iudfjhguifhdnjighrufihgdfj hgurthfgfdjmgnfjjdfj dfj hegdfkj jvhhgdfkhrhgurhuhdgjfdfd rtufdufdhjfdjhgfdkjfdkhrtujfjtfhjhrtfkjh t utr tg tg hg rthtuirhgdfjkhgtugfjktu r uitrg tg ituhutriiu hgtthghthtrhitheuirhdihhghththrio rtig htgrhughtrhtuhg g g iu uirtiut htrhhtrh trgh ghrtguihgithuih rgthgt ghtrhhuhtruirdiogrtuih rthuirthutrhhurthutrhu rttrh utrhu u riri g g g hfjthrujh g uhtuhguhtrjgjtgtgtutgu ghtg urgtuhfgjhrt herhuituiw45tbhb u4trdfghrthdfguifuier we gt4urhedfuwihjd84ruheduh4ruhewh erygf rghr thufehugriu tuureiy 8uhtreuhyfu y ryu uertrhuhr3uhuthuihuierhguhghjtrh gtrghue gt t tu tugh fuhgbggbgbghugbugrb uburgbubouiw4heruwreureuiwugrudhthjfweisdhje fdgerfh iweo iuerhuihguirhb rt rthuri rtiuiueightuhugg htthu tguhtueheu utetrgnjhhjguh eh htuhujge ute htuhugiehuuet heutiuijrti tureh ijergre qgherdfuith eruifaghrfdherhi dfickj nsgdfkj ngith guitrfhjk jgisdfjtnu rtnnfhngntnghidg dinjgjgitrghjkf gkgggggggg gh ifkhgkj hgfkjhuig hjuihutrhgjh jnth gt t h ruituugjjkgf srjhfdjgberhjdfbhjfhjgh fhv hhjgfhhfjdkhghdfjfjkfgdkj gkfjkgfjgjghjgjhghjjgfjhkgjfkgfjjhjkgfkhfkjhjk hgfjkdh kjgkjdghjgfjhgfdhkdjhgfhgjkdkhjgkd kj gdk jgfhdhjkhgfhgjhhgjjhfghgfhgfhghnnbhnnugf tuyhvnbnbhnjggun hb h gbjfjkdnbgjnujngjkgjkgjkd g g jbjkhggdfkjhhggfghjhjghkjdflhgkjklhkdlhkd hkgjhfjhjgkjfghj duiuhgfjnthutgduiuhjrhgfkjhugfjhuidtrgfhrtg uhht gf tgfg fhuitrhuitruitrhia

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